Using UML or IDEF for Business Modeling
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a modeling language standardized by the Object Management Group (OMG) used to manage requirements in software development projects. IDEF, the acronym for Integration DEFinition, refers to a family of modeling languages in the field of systems and software engineering.
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The Business Analyst Role in Agile Software Development
As companies transition to Agile and Scrum to manage their software development projects, how does this affect the work of business analysts? Nancy Nee, VP Global Product Strategy at ESI International, shares her opinion on the role of business analysts in Agile software development projects and how this approach impacts the requirement gathering activity. She […]
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Database Modeling and Use Cases
This discussion on the topic of Database Modeling with Dr. Michael Blaha try to answer the question “How good are UML use cases for Database Design“? His opinion is that use cases are rote work. The developer listens to business experts and slavishly write what they hear with little interpretation and no abstraction. There is […]
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Capture use case documents with DITA
Explore how to combine requirement gathering with documentation that development managers, developers, testers, and technical writers can re-purpose throughout the development cycle. The flexible extension mechanism in Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) is becoming an industry standard for this kind of undertaking. In this article, you create a specialized schema for use case documentation.
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Problems of UML as a Requirements Specification Language
This paper investigates the suitability of UML as a semiformal requirements specification language. It identifies and demonstrates various problems and deficiencies of UML, particularly concerning use case models and system decomposition.
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