product backlog

Managing Separate UX Backlogs in Agile
Agile development teams that struggle to keep track of UX work in the product backlog can utilize a separate backlog for UX. This method can help siloed teams where UX and development aren’t in direct communication. Separate UX backlogs do have pros and cons, which are discussed here.
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Ordering the Product Backlog
In this article, Brent Reid discusses the fact that in Scrum, the product backlog should be ordered and not prioritized. His point is that priority has a meaning only within a certain context. Thus what is high priority one day could be low priority in the future. Thus, the product owner must deliver a totally […]
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Just In Time Software Requirements
Elena Yatzeck shares in this blog post her thoughts about “value spike”. A “spike” is a short piece of work within an agile project in which one or two programmers may be assigned to do outside of the iteration structure. The goal is to investigates unknown technology problems well enough so you can estimate them. […]
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The Importance of Backlog Prioritization
In this blog post, Maurits Rijk explains the importance of a prioritized backlog to deliver business value as quickly as possible in a Scrum project.
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