
Functional or Non-functional Requirements?
Can you agree that functional and non-functional requirements set the foundation for a successful software development project? If done wrong, product requirements distort the final result. Most importantly, this stage is difficult to redo later. Well, how to avoid miscommunication between the product owner and the dev team to set clear benchmarks for the product?
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Non-Functional Requirements in the Context of SOA
This article presents new concepts to formalize and apply non-functional requirements (NFR) for business processes in the context of Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA). Today, popular languages for modeling business processes do not support the specification of NFRs in a systematic manner. However, there is a strong demand to explicitly address such requirements when designing and deploying […]
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Non-Functional Requirements Cost Estimation
In this blog post, Mike Cohn explains that for non-functional requirement you should estimate both the costs of initial compliance and then the costs of ongoing compliance.
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Non-Functional Requirements
The blog post “Non-functional requirements… the forgotten, overlooked and underestimated” discusses the role and impact of non-functional requirements in software projects.
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Understanding Non-Functional Requirements
This blog post is about understanding what non-functional requirements are, how they work, how to write them, and how to use them in real-life projects,
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