
UX Documentation in Agile and Scrum
Documenting UX processes and design decisions are organizational memory, so even Agile and Scrum projects that emphasize minimal documentation benefit from two cases of lightweight UX documentation.
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The Perfectly-Formed Requirement
This video discusses the perfectly-formed requirement, which should be unambiguous and testable. It presents the Snow Card, focusing on the requirement, rationale, fit criterion, and supporting materials.
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Designing and Documenting User Interactions
This presentation discusses “designing and documenting user interactions.” It emphasizes the importance of writing good documentation, the value of style guides, while never losing site of the end goal of creating good user experiences.
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Agile Requirements: a Self-Building Documentation
How do agile requirements work? Where does documentation fit in? For many of us, the transition from the security of upfront analysis and detailed specification documents to ‘doing Agile’ and embracing the process of discovery is a terrifying prospect. Agile theories don’t readily address the concern ‘how will we know where we’re going if we […]
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A Template for Software Requirements
When you are gathering and documenting software requirements, it is not always easy to remember all the dimension that should be included in this activity. The book “Mastering the Requirements Process” proposes a template that should help you in this activity.
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Templates for Software Requirements
What do you document and how much should you document? This question is often present in software development projects and even more now with Agile approaches. This article presents a template for managing software requirements and software problems. This templates have been validated within the industry in various parts of the world.
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