Collaborating With Stakeholders
To make UX research and requirements gathering more efficient and effective, you have to get everyone in the software development team and the user representatives involved. When the teams understand user concerns and usability issues, they become better at preventing problems.
Read MoreProduct Managers Best Practices to Build Highly Effective Teams
This talk shares product management best practices and experiences with you in hopes they will help you in your product development journey to build highly effective teams. It covers key topics including (a) working together, (b) managing and prioritizing the work, (c) customer discovery and readying stories, (d) measuring what and how we work, and […]
Read MoreMapping Customer Experiences: From Insight to Action
Visualizations are a key tool that help organizations change their perspective. Though no silver bullet, mapping experiences diagrams seek to align customers’ experiences with how businesses operate. You are surely familiarly with things like customer journey maps, service blueprint, experience maps, and more.
Read MoreMVP is the Antithesis of Good UX
Pursuing a “minimum viable product” (MVP) as a design strategy may work for startups, but usually leads to poorly integrated user experience for established design team working in traditional product categories.
Read MoreDiscussing Customer Requirements
A funny sketch about how the discussion could evolve in the initial customer requirements meeting between an organization and a consulting firm.
Read MoreRemote Unmoderated User Testing on a Budget
This session walks through a method for remote unmoderated user testing developed at Yale University Library, using tools that your institution already has or can easily afford.
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