Feature injection is a business analysis approach that focuses on business value, an approach similar to Behavior Driven Development (BDD). It transfers knowledge to the team about how the project can deliver value and what are the features needed to deliver that value. Examples are used to transfer this information to the team in the form with the goal to eliminate the waste of separate requirements specifications and tests. Why is it call Feature Injection? Because “The process of pulling value from a project injects features into the system”.
This article provides an overview of Feature Injection and related techniques. It explains the key elements of the framework with the support of a realistic example. High level examples provide enough context to focus related development processes such as Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Behavior-Driven Development (BDD). They can be broken down into smaller, finer grained examples that describe how different functions of a system need to work in order to support the high level examples. If they are detailed enough, the examples can also be automatically validated against a system in development, providing an objective measure of progress and a foundation for a living documentation system.