
A Template for Software Requirements
When you are gathering and documenting software requirements, it is not always easy to remember all the dimension that should be included in this activity. The book “Mastering the Requirements Process” proposes a template that should help you in this activity.
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Goals Oriented Requirements
Collaborating on deriving scope from goals is undoubtedly the most controversial topic in this book. In the last five years, the surge in popularity of value chains in software development has increased awareness of the idea of collaborating on scope and deriving it from business goals.
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Uses Cases are still Useful
Use cases are, indeed, heavier and more difficult than either user stories or backlog items, but they bring value for that extra weight. As not-Einstein said: “Make things as simple as possible, but no simpler.” (The attribution to Einstein has been debunked, it seems.) Source: “Why I still use use cases“, Alistair Cockburn, alistair.cockburn.us
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Sharing the Requirements Burden
As software developers it is our ability to listen to our customers throughout the process not just during some artificially time boxed requirements gathering phase and tell them the truth about their wants, needs, hopes, and desires, with all the complexities, and painful realities that transform our customers from being part of the problem to […]
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