
Software Requirements Management Articles, Blog Posts, Books and Quotes

Requirements Management Articles
Articles Knowledge

Representing Domain Requirements and Domain Architecture in Software Product Line

Software Product Line (SPL) core assets development is an effective approach in software reuse in which core assets can be shared among the members of the product line with an explicit treatment of variability. This article propose an approach for transitioning requirements models to architecture levels to overcome the issue of variability at the requirements […]

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Requirements Management Articles
Articles Knowledge

Complementing User Stories

User stories are well established in agile software development processes, but they should not be seen as detailed requirements specifications. It is accepted that the end users do not know all the requirements at once. Therefore, user stories only give hints about the expectations of an end user. A computer supported strategy is proposed to […]

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Requirements Management Blogs
Blogs Knowledge

Visual Models for Software Requirements

Software requirements are often thought to be textual material that can take the form of free “system shall…” statements, user stories, or “give when then” of behavior driven development. This blog post explore the usage of visual models to capture software requirements. It explains that models are not requirements, but they help us find and […]

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Requirements Management Articles
Articles Knowledge

Managing Agile Requirements

People often believe that Agile software development requires not documentation. Even if the Agile Manifesto values “Working Software over Comprehensive Documentation”, you should note the word “over” in this statement. The Manifesto is not recommending no documentation, but stating a preference for working software over documentation.

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Requirements Management Articles
Articles Knowledge

User Stories Acceptance Criteria

In Scrum user stories are the starting point of a conversation. This articles discusses the challenge for the Product Owner to provide acceptance criteria to help the Scrum team understand user stories. The author explains that acceptance criteria need not constitute an exhaustive list, but they should be sufficient to move forward. Acceptance criteria are […]

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Requirements Management Blogs
Blogs Knowledge

Using Use Cases or User Stories in Scrum

This blog post defines the concept of use cases and user stories and discusses how and when they should be used in an Agile software development project. User stories are different from use cases because they are centred on the result and the benefit of the thing you’re describing, whereas use cases are more granular. […]

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