
Software Requirements Management Articles, Blog Posts, Books and Quotes

Requirements Management Articles
Articles Knowledge

Stop Gathering Requirements

The concept of “gathering requirements” comes from the premise that there are requirements out there someplace that the business analyst has to find. But do users or stakeholders really have requirements? In this article, Steve Blais says that users don’t have requirements, so business analysts have to stop gathering requirements. His opinion is that user […]

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Requirements Management Articles
Articles Knowledge

Successful Feature Injection

Feature injection is a business analysis approach that focuses on business value, an approach similar to Behavior Driven Development (BDD). It transfers knowledge to the team about how the project can deliver value and what are the features needed to deliver that value. Examples are used to transfer this information to the team in the […]

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Requirements Management Blogs
Blogs Knowledge

User Stories Walking Exercise

In this blog post, Dhaval Panchal proposes a technique that help slicing agile user stories. He uses it for stories ‘not-done’ at the end of sprint or team that have problems to split stories horizontally across components. The idea is linked to the experience of taking your dog to a park for a walk. The […]

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Requirements Management Articles
Articles Knowledge

Templates for Software Requirements

What do you document and how much should you document? This question is often present in software development projects and even more now with Agile approaches. This article presents a template for managing software requirements and software problems. This templates have been validated within the industry in various parts of the world.

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Requirements Management Articles
Articles Knowledge

Collaborative Requirements Definition

There are different popular models for collaborative software requirements definition. In this article, Gojko Adzic, the author of Specification by Example, discusses some of them. Big specification workshops, like Product Backlog Refinement (PBR) workshops, with the entire team allows building a shared understanding and produce a set of examples that illustrate a feature. Smaller workshops […]

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Requirements Management Articles
Articles Knowledge

Comprehensive User Stories

A user story is a high-level requirement of a feature provided from the perspective of a stakeholder. A comprehensive user story has acceptance criteria that cover all possible functional scenarios or conditions needed to satisfy the user requirements. In development and testing terms, this means defining positive and negative scenarios. This article defines what differs […]

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