
Software Requirements Management Articles, Blog Posts, Books and Quotes

Requirements Management Blogs
Blogs Knowledge

Stories are about why not what or how

Quite popular is the “As a, I want, So that” story format. While I have seen teams do well with this format, I think it can be radically improved with a minor change. I prefer to see “So that, as a, I want” story format. My reasoning is quite simple; the emphasis is incorrect in […]

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Requirements Management Blogs
Blogs Knowledge

A Customer is a Customer?

Software development teams use the word “customer” a lot. But there are different kinds of customers. Being aware which kind of customer you are talking about can help you to deliver better results. This post explains the difference between two kinds of customers: the ones using your product and the ones who will buy it. […]

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Requirements Management Blogs
Blogs Knowledge

RSpec best practices

Rspec is a great tool in the behavior driven design process of writing human readable specifications that direct and validate the development of your application. Follow these practices to write elegant and maintainable specifications.

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Requirements Management Blogs
Blogs Knowledge

Requirements are dead. Long live requirements.

This blog post is about how to balance working with user stories in environments that are looking for something more traditional as far as requirements specifications are concerned.

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Requirements Management Articles
Articles Knowledge

Methodology for Developing Use Cases for Large Systems

The purpose of this article is to offer a methodology for creating and building a Use Cases Model that caters for the needs and challenges of large and complex projects. The paper will explore some of the major challenges that are typical of large projects and will demonstrate practical steps for mitigating these challenges.

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Requirements Management Blogs
Blogs Knowledge

User Stories are Temporary

It’s obvious, but warrants mention: What we do in the future is likely to be different from what we’re doing today. The implications for user stories should be obvious: User stories are temporary. Saving them for posterity doesn’t serve the primary purpose of user stories, and doing anything that makes them less temporary can turn […]

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