
Software Requirements Management Articles, Blog Posts, Books and Quotes

Requirements Management Articles
Articles Knowledge

The Product Owner on One Page

Roman Pichler crafted a nice diagram that summarizes on one page the product owner’s responsibility together with the role’s key activities and artefacts.

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Requirements Management Blogs
Blogs Knowledge

Mockup-Driven Development

This blog post explores the concept of prototyping or mockups for web development and how you could integrate them in the final product.

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Requirements Management Blogs
Blogs Knowledge

Why SCRUM fails the artist

“Why SCRUM fails the artist” is an interesting blog post on the limit of user stories to convey requirements based on how Shakespeare would have written Romeo and Juliet using them.

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Requirements Management Blogs
Blogs Knowledge

Use Cases in Development – Still The Best Technique?

Using use cases instead of (or as well as) user stories has some distinct advantages. There are also some other less welcome consequences. This blog post compares the usage of uses cases and user stories.

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Requirements Management Blogs
Blogs Knowledge

The Principle of Symmetric Change

Many of the most common problems people have with implementing BDD or agile acceptance testing come from a misalignment of conceptual models. By changing our view at the specifications/tests we can make most of those issues go away instantly. This post explains the principle of symmetric change: one small change in a business model should […]

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Requirements Management Blogs
Blogs Knowledge

My Product Owner Will Kick Ass

This blog post is about what a great Product Owner should be like.

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