
Software Requirements Management Articles, Blog Posts, Books and Quotes

Requirements Management Articles
Articles Knowledge

The Dangers of Design by User

In this article, Demetrius Madrigal and Bryan McClain explains why you should not take user feedback or requests for design changes at face value.

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Requirements Management Blogs
Blogs Knowledge

Non-Functional Requirements

The blog post “Non-functional requirements… the forgotten, overlooked and underestimated” discusses the role and impact of non-functional requirements in software projects.

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Requirements Management Blogs
Blogs Knowledge

BDD to the Rescue

In this blog post, Mehdi Khalili explains that Behavior Driven Development can help you in more than one way. First and foremost it removes the ambiguity from the requirements, but taking it a step further could give you a lot of significant benefits.

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Requirements Management Articles
Articles Knowledge

Decision Table Based Methodology

This article describes a decision table based methodology for the analysis of complex conditional actions.

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Requirements Management Articles
Articles Knowledge

Agile Product Management using Effect Maps

Effect maps are charts of project scope which help teams ensure that software delivery is focused on business goals, stakeholders and their needs. Effect Mapping facilitates the implementation of several techniques of agile planning, product design, prioritisation and scoping.

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Requirements Management Blogs
Blogs Knowledge

The Neglected Fundamentals of Scrum: User Stories

In this blog post, Andrew Fuqua presents good user stories as a fundamental of Scrum success.

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