
Find Missing Requirements
This blog post by Betsy Stockdale explains how to use the Feature Tree model to discover missing requirements.
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Perfect Requirements
In this blog post, James Christie starts from the fact that perfect requirements don’t exist to discuss the idea that the quality of requirements is directly influenced by the time and money you invest in crafting them.
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Why Should You Write Requirements
In this blog post, By Scott Sehlhorst starts with a simple fact: if there is a lot of discussions on how to write requirements, there is not so much material on why to write requirements. His advice is that you should start by thinking about why you write requirements before you decide how to write […]
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Do Agile Needs Business Analysts?
There is no business analyst role in the Scrum Agile project management framework. Based on this fact and some perceptions about Agile, Roland Hesz tries to answer the questions “Do we need a business analyst on an agile project? Are there Agile business analysts?”.
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